
Functional 2 word phrases
Functional 2 word phrases

The problem of bilateral dominational connections in predi­cative combinations of words (of a subject and a predicate). Domination realization by different forms of the word (categorial agreement, government), connective words (prepositional government), or word order (adjoining, enclosure). The kernel and the adjunct of a subodinative phrase. Syn­detic and asyndetic connections.Dominational consecutive (subordinative proper) and dominatio­nal cumulative connections. Equipotent consecu­tive (coordinative proper) and equipotent cumulative connections. Equipotent and dominational connections between the phrase constituents. Notional, formative and functional phrases. Syntax of the phrase as ‘minor syntax’ in relation to syn­tax of the sentence as ‘major syntax’.

functional 2 word phrases

The correlation of the phrase and the word, of the phrase and the sentence. Very carefully – great carefulness – The carefulness is great.The phrase as a polynominatlve lingual unit. The gifted student  The student has a gift. PHRASES Functional Formative Notional equipotent dominational consecutive cumulative - fully predicative - partially predicative completive qualifying: attributive adverbial Objective: (non-)prepositional, (in)directġ7 The baked potatoes  The potatoes are baked. to dance merrily to receive (a letter) with surprise E.g.

functional 2 word phrases

an enormous appetite a woman of ungovernable temper Adverbial Primary Secondary E.g.

#Functional 2 word phrases full#

Mad about you aware of John’s presence full of water etc.Īttributive E.g. Objective connection may also combine an adjunct with a kernel of non-verbal semantics (a state or property word) E.g.

functional 2 word phrases

Mad about you aware of John’s presence full of water etc. Indirect (may be both prepositional & non-prepositional) E.g. Non-prepositional (I remembered the man). Prepositional (I sympathized with the monkey). Predicative connection (bilateral, two-way) objective qualifying The Snow White was astonishingly beautiful. for the student to understand his mistake the student’s understanding his mistake the student understanding his mistakeĬompletive connection (monolateral, one-way) E.g. Incomplete (verbid + substantive element) E.g. The arrival of the train.Ĭomplete (subject + finite verb predicate) E.g. Will be helpful, at least in some cases a careful observer will be helpful in any caseĬompletive connection (monolateral, one-way) Predicative connection (bilateral, two-way) ‘I go – he goes’ The train arrived. a beautiful woman, seemingly frivolousĩ dominational consecutive cumulative an observer, seemingly careful Maugham).Ĩ Dominational phrases + kernel, head-word adjunct, expansionĮ.g.

functional 2 word phrases

He is a little man with irregular features, soft dark eyes and a soft voice, very shy, with a gift of mimicry and a love of music (S. Salt and sugarĦ Syndetic connection in a word combination can alternate with asyndetic connection: Agreed, but reluctantly satisfied, or nearly so. PHRASES Functional Formative Notional dominational equipotent cumulative consecutive E.g. kernel, head-word adjunct, expansion + E.g. the quick and the dead came and went on the beach or in the water no sun, no moon silent, immovable, gloomy. Notional phrase Formative phrase (N+F) + = ‘with difficulty’ + ‘to obtain’ = ‘to obtain with difficulty’ ‘so unexpectedly’ + ‘to return’ = ‘to return so unexpectedly’Ĥ PHRASES Functional Formative dominational equipotent + in a low voice, with pain, must finish, but a moment, and Jimmy, too cold F F N + N + N F +ģ ‘so unexpectedly’ + ‘to return’ = ‘to return so unexpectedly’ Formative Non-self-dependent = a separate word E.g. a sudden trembling, going along the stream, strangely familiar, so sure of their aims Functional Non-self-dependent = a separate functional word connectors, specifiers E.g.

Functional 2 word phrases